Welcome to the National IHC Membership Page

There are several advantages to Membership in The National Industrial Hemp Coalition.  
Our "Barn Raising Philosophy" and Unique "Intentional Community Network" Being the Main Two. 
There are Other Co-Op Organizations out there, But None Like the IHC!

  1. Member-Owned & Operated 
  2. Connection to Industry Experts: Farmers, Processors, Manufacturers                      
  3. Bulk Discounts on Seeds, Clones, Fertilizers, and Inputs
  4.  Access to Banking and Crop Insurance
  5. Machinery Available to Rent for Planting and Harvesting
  6. Processing Services for Post Harvest
  7. Buy Back Program Available 
  8. Profit-Sharing Among Members
  9. Hemp Symposium and Workshop Discounts
  10. Industrial Contracts Now Available

"General Membership" dues are $25.00 annually.  Included in the basic package is the member's only edition of the "Canna Journey" newsletter,  a welcome pack containing decals, brochures and other goodies, the "Hemper's Almanac" field guide and a 20% discount off  IHC merchandise and event tickets.
The "Vendorship Program" is $50.00 annually and Includes all the "General Membership" benefits mentioned above.  In Addition,  VP members  may post their products or services on all 51 social media pages, they are given space on the "Vendors Page" of the NationalIHC.org Website,  coverage in our bi-weekly "Canna Journey" National newsletter and airtime on the "Canna Journey Podcast".
The "Core Team" of the IHC are the driving force behind the Cooperative. This is a "Stewardship Program" and requires involvement at an "Inner Circle" level. Preapproval is required.  "Core Team" membership is $15.00 annually.  CT members receive all IHC merchandise at 30% over cost. 

The IHC also offers a "Scholarship Program".  This program also requires pre-approval. 


 Please phone us at 806-782-7862 or mail us at  theIHCCoaltion@gmail.com for more information.